Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Grand Traverse Prep Week

Starting Line @ Midnight 2012

Pre-planning for blisters 2012.

Tricks of the Trade1.  Start carbo-loading and hydrating 3 to 4 days before the race. 
2.  Don't overeat Friday/Friday night (trust me on this one....)
3.  Bring mittens and handwarmers.
4.  Wear a buff.
5.  Ski with your backpack full of all required gear prior to the race.
6.  Ski at least once at night to check-out your light set-up.
7.  Ski with your partner and experiment with a tow system.  A small diameter 3-4' bungee section, 3' of static line and another 3-4' bungee section.  Attach this to two small carabiners on each end and attach to your pack on one end and your partners harness on the other. 
8.  Bring some food you'll look forward to eating (resee's peanut butter cups, cookies, etc). 
9.  Bring a set of kicker skins (45mm) that only reach to the heel piece of your ski.  Be sure to practice with them and try to get a good glide going.
10.  Plan on getting some big blisters and take preventative measures prior to the start.
11.  Ski with lightweight gear like Scarpa Aliens and SkiTrab's.  Do not use skate gear (trust me on this one as well).

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