Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Day Training Session

SkiMo isn't just about the uphill, strong downhill ski legs are also essential.  With that in mind I set out to purchase a lift ticket today (gasp).  As I was standing in line with the masses all I could think about was how far up the mountain I'd be already if I was skinning.  $75 later (double gasp) I was given the privilege of riding Purgatory's lifts.  Time for some fast laps on Styx (the best imitator of a downhill @ a Skimo race).  My 11 year old training partner was ready.  Last year I'd give 30 second headstarts and catch him.  This year I gave 20 seconds.  After 15 seconds he was out of site.  He held the gap to the bottom of the 3+ minute run and I never caught him.  I guess more "lift" training is in my near future.

The Needles

 The Trainers
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